Prenatal Acupuncture
Most people recognize acupuncture as a common treatment for infertility; whether one is trying naturally, or in conjunction with some sort of medical stimulation, intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in-vitro fertilization (IVF)… however, did you know that acupuncture can have great benefits for you WHILE you are pregnant? There are many reasons why you might want to try acupuncture as part of your prenatal care:
- Miscarriage prevention/recurrent miscarriage
- Pain relief (low back, neck, sciatica, sacroiliac (SI) joint, headaches, etc.)
- Morning sickness
- Other symptoms: depression, heartburn, constipation, insomnia
Labor Preparation – Starting week 37 (when you have technically reached full-term), acupuncture treatments can be tailored to help prepare the body for and facilitate labor. Some patients will come in when they are closer to or past 40 weeks as well, to do everything they can to prevent from being induced with Pitocin. Preparation includes encouraging your baby to drop into the correct position, ripening the cervix and helping the body to release oxytocin to start or strengthen uterine contractions. Remember that labor will only start when your baby is ready, but acupuncture can be a big help in placing your body in the ideal state for a smoother, progressing labor.
Breech Presentation – If you are in your last trimester with a breech presentation, starting treatment around week 32-33 may encourage your baby to turn. Treatments incorporate the use of moxibustion (a type of heat therapy) to attempt cephalic version; as opposed to external cephalic version (ECV), which has potential risks.
To read about the latest fertility and prenatal research/clinical studies using acupuncture and TCM, click here
Please also visit the women’s health page for related information.