Pain Management
Acupuncture For Pain Management + Chronic Pain
Acupuncture can treat a variety of ailments and conditions, however, it is most well known for how it helps with pain. Chronic pain management (possibly associated with degeneration, old injuries, previous surgeries, the viscera, etc.) is a very popular reason to seek out acupuncture. These types of treatments aim to decrease pain (whatever the cause) to a level that is manageable over an extended period of time to ultimately improve a person’s quality of life.
Studies have shown that there is a higher level of endorphins (endogenous opiates) in cerebral spinal fluid following an acupuncture treatment [endorphins are similar to narcotics used for pain relief, but produced by cells in your body]. Acupuncture stimulation improves blood flow to the skin, muscles, brain and internal organs.
Low Back Pain – Some patients are trying a different method of treatment to avoid or prolong the need for surgery. An extremely common complaint that all acupuncturists treat is low back pain. In a German study in 2007, it was shown that acupuncture is almost twice as effective in treating low back pain than traditional therapies.
Fibromyalgia – Fibromyalgia is a complex, multi-system disease, affecting the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, and the symptoms can vary greatly between patients. More providers are becoming more open to holistic approaches to treatment, and growing research now demonstrates that acupuncture and electroacupuncture are some of the only proven treatments effective for neuropathic pain, as well as central modulation of pain regulation and sensitization. Typically a comprehensive treatment is needed with acupuncture, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, and dietary modifications to improve symptoms.
Migraines – In recent years, there has been a realization that migraine syndromes are varied and complex in pathophysiology. A various number of potential triggers and causes exist, and unfortunately, too often ignored. Migraine sufferers may benefit from acupuncture and herbal medicine. There are potential risks and side effects associated with medication, therefore, acupuncture can be favorable as it does not carry negative side effects. Treatments take into consideration both the triggers as well as correction of the neuroendocrine regulation to minimize the frequency and severity of migraines or headaches. Some patients may even be able to reduce their current medication if he/she experiences relief.